Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me

So I'm a year older today. * huge sigh* I want to embrace my 30's. But it's just so hard! I long to be in my 20's again, to be younger. There's nothing wrong with being 31. Nothing at all. I just can't believe that I am 31 already. It seems like yesterday (cliche-ish, I know) I was graduating from high school with my whole life ahead of me. 30 was so far away! But now, here I am, 31, mother of 2 married for 8 years now. I still have my whole life ahead of me. The people who are older than me are rolling their eyes saying "whatever". But I'm sure they all went through the same thing. So I will embrace my new decade of life with gusto. I will make the next 10 years better than the last 10 years. And I will not complain about being "old" anymore. At least I will try. So happy birthday to me. *sigh*

Thursday, November 6, 2008


While I didn't vote for the man, he is now our 44th president of these United States of America. I am still nervous, but hopeful. That's all that we can be. We can't complain. It won't change what's happened. We can only embrace it and him and hope for the best. It will be very exciting to see his young daughters grow up before the nation's very eyes. He has such a lovely family and that is promising in itself. So here's to the new president for the next four years. Let's all hope and pray they will be better years than the past. Cheers!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I am afraid. Seriously. I have this horrible gut feeling that in two weeks our world will be changed forever and not for the good. Then I am very afraid that because of this change, and even worse occurrence will happen.

I am not very political. I have my points of view which make sense to me. I have a candidate that I feel is the best person for the job even if majority does not feel that way. But I have an opinion just like everyone else. I am not very good at expressing my opinion. In a debate I would lose hands down. So I rely on a good friend who is very good at speaking her mind. She has clarified politics and policies for me perfectly. Since I trust her and her research, I am going to copy what she has posted on her blog as to why I (and she) think McCain/Palin is the best team for the job.

Wise Words. By Christi Tennyson

During this political season let us be reminded of these words:

-You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.

-You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.

-You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.

-You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wagepayer down.

-You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.

-You cannot build character and courage by taking away men's initiative and independence.

-You cannot help men permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.

The above was credited to Abe Lincoln. Apparently he's the anti-Obama. ;)

Seriously though, as I plow through Liberal Fascism, I'm starting to realize that like everything else in life, politics is a cycle. And with the fall of the Soviet Union now 20 years in our history, I realize that many of those who are most gung-ho for Obama don't remember the communist-bloc countries. They simply can not grasp that socialism has already failed numerous time throughout history. Our own country's "experiments" with socialism are failures. Look at the social security system, arguably Roosevelt's crown jewel of the New Deal. Generations of people neglected their own retirement savings expecting the government to support them in old age. So much for accountability and personal responsibility. The system is a shambles and the baby boomers will undoubtably bankrupt Social Security. Yet according to Gallup, 52% of Americans want to elect a man running on a Robin Hood platform promising MORE government entitlement programs. Sure, he calls them "tax cuts" but research into his so-called "tax cuts" reveals them for the entitlement programs that they are. And as Hawaii axes it's universal heath care program after a mere seven months b/c the costs spiraled out of conotrol, we're going to elect a man promising universal health care on a national level. Fabulous. Because the US Government has such a strong history as responsible stewards of our tax dollars.I've steeled myself for the inevitable four years of an Obama presidency. The fact of the matter is, even the biggest morons over age 18 in this country can vote--and I guarantee those morons are voting for Obama. The general mood of the country is a sense of frustration with the Republicans. And even though Democrats have had control of Congress for two years, their blame Bush tactics are working. So I'm trying to be optimistic. I figure after four years of Pelosi, Reed, and Obama, in 2012, we'll see a Republican Revolution similar to what we saw in 1994. And that is the only silver lining I see to four years of higher taxes, more ridiculous entitlement programs for those who won't do for themselves, and craptastic national security. We survived the 30s and that "experiment" with socialism. God-willing, we'll survive the next four years, too.

If anyone is interested in more of her wonderful political views, I encourage you to check out her blogspot. I have a link under my fave blogs. Check her out. She speaks the truth.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day

I wanted to encourage everyone out there to light a candle on October 15th at 7pm in all time zones and let that candle burn for one hour. This is to honor all the many babies who have been lost either after birth or in pregnancy. They all hold a special place in our hearts. Whether you have been affected by this directly, know someone who has or not, it is very important to honor these angels. So please join in the many and light a candle for these precious babies. Thanks!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Are blogs safe?

I recently read a really good book called "Say Goodbye" by Lisa Gardner. The book was about a man called the Burgerman. He was a horrible, terrible person who was also a pedophile. He would kidnap his victims and keep them as long as they served their purpose and then dispose of them like garbage. Well one little boy he "kept" for 10 years until one day the boy was a man and he killed his captor. This boy then became the Burgerman. He continued the work until he later died in the book. The part that chills me the most are the phrases at the end of the book about my children. (No, not my children directly, but all our children.) The author made a point to say that if we had Myspace, Facebook or blogs he was already in our children's minds. This was meant to scare us into being proactive. There are horrible people out there just waiting to use our children in the worst possible ways. As long as we can we should protect them. It scared me senseless. I have Myspace, Facebook and this blog. I have put pictures of my children on all of them. Needless to say the following day I pulled as many pictures as I could from those websites. My job is to protect my children to the best of my ability not make it easy for these "humans" to reach them. Please protect your children. Make sure of whose reading your blogs. Make sure you have no important or clarifying information on your blogs. Or your worst fear might come true.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


So is anyone else stoked for this year's Season Premieres? I sure am. There has been tons of hoopla over them so they better stack up. I need to blog about here because my loving hubby doesn't want to hear about them anymore.

One Tree Hill: Anyone following this one so far? Man, was I shocked the first episode out the door. Brooke's getting mugged and beat up (although I really believe it was her mother who paid someone for that), Lucas choosing Peyton to marry (I totally saw that one coming), Dan being held captive by psycho bitch Nanny Carrie, and Skills shacking up with Nathan's mom. WTH? It promises lots of drama goodness. And then they kill off Q. Why? He rocked! Poor little Jamie. And Nanny Carrie had a son that had died? That explains a lot, but still. How creepy was it when Dan suggested he might be able to help have another child. I totally threw up in my mouth a little. I'm so glad they didn't give Nate and Hales anymore marriage drama, yet. They deserve the happiness. I am really interested to see how far they will carry this cougar romance with Skills and Nanny Deb. It looks to be promising.
House: I was a little disappointed. Although I find it very interesting that Wilson is trying to leave the hospital for good. I don't think it will work because I don't think House will let it, at least that's what the next preview leads us to believe. Who here wants House to end up with Cuddy? Anyone. Anyone. Not me. She's just ew. IMO. I really want him to hook it up with 13. He obviously cares. So why not?
The Hills: Although this one has been on for a while, I'm going to add it here. What is up with Spencer? I mean for realsies. Would you allow him to come into your home with your family visiting and let him say those horrid things to your sister? I mean boyfriend loyalty only goes so far. He's way out of line and it's pissing me off. I wish Holly would grow some and fight back. I wish Heidi would dump his triffling ass once and for all and make up with Lauren. I know, then there wouldn't be a show. I dont' care. I am soooo sick of seeing his Chester Molester face on the tv anyway. But I'm sure that's what the ratings people want so I guess he's here to stay. Next week looks promising. But Brody seriously needs to keep to himself. He claims to be LC's protector but he just keeps hurting her. Was she still dating Doug? Did they make it exclusive? And what right is it of Brody's to inform her about it? Anyway. I'm getting way too into this show. One more, good for Audrina. She stood up for herself and it was good. And now they are all friends again.
As more premieres happen, the more I will blog about them. Of course, feel free to put your two cents in or add to the premiere list your favorite shows. Thank you for reading. Am I famous yet?